Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pasadena, CA Family Photographer: The D Family

This weekend I was able to do a session for a very special family.  Their little one, N is about 2 weeks younger than my own Bug so N's mommy and I have had the blessing of experiencing all the ups and downs of being a first time mommy...together.  I can't even count on two hands how many late night emails/texts we've sent each other, especially when our little ones were just born, in tears because both our little ones never slept, always ate (but always spit up), and because we were sleep-deprived.  With both our little ones over 2 years old now, those days seem so long ago.  This family holds a very special place in our hearts and we are so blessed by their friendship.  Rather than doing a traditional photo session, I thought it would be best to follow the D family around and capture them as they are.

{South Pasadena, CA}
 It turns out it was the best idea because N did not take a full nap that day so he really made me work for some smiles!
He was suspicious of my camera.  The first sentence out of his mouth was, "Mama de Ella!  No fotos!"
After some ice cream, a trip to the park, and watching the metrolink go by the train tracks, he threw some smiles my way! :)
 At the end of the day, we did all we could to get him to pose and smile, but this look indicated N was done.
So we took a pic of N's mommy and daddy. Such a beautiful couple.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Simi Valley, CA Event Photographer: E's 4th Birthday

An awesome Disney Agent Oso DIY birthday for E!
{Simi Valley, CA}

This kid does not stop moving!  Four year olds are tiring! Lol!

E's little sister is such a cutie. I cannot get enough of her!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Los Angeles, CA Family Photographer: R Family

I was so excited to do this family session because I did Xi's maternity session, I was there when my sister did her little L's newborn session, and now this!  It's such a blessing to be a part of such milestones.  Thank you R family for being such an easy family to photograph!
{Vista Hermosa Park- Downtown Los Angeles, CA}

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Valencia, CA Extended Family Photographer: The H and C families!

This family is near and dear to me.  They're basically my own extended family.  They've known me since I was 12 years old- big hair, braces, and all.  (I'm hoping I'm not as awkward looking as I was then.)  

There are too many beautiful pictures to share, so get ready!  Check out the H and C families! 

Grandparents and grandchildren
No shortage of personality here.
If this next picture doesn't make you miss your cousins and siblings, I don't know what will!  These girls are a hoot together.  They love each other so much.
Thank you so much to the H and C families for letting me capture all the love between you!

Chino Hills Event Photographer: Ingrid's Bridal Shower

My blog has been boring lately because I've been busy with sessions!  Yahoo!  So, to hold you over, let's get personal.  Here are a few details from my dear friend, Ingrid's bridal shower.

I cannot wait to see Ingrid marry her college sweetheart and to see my little girl walk down the aisle as her flower girl! :)